
Interim Crit 1 (28 February): Group presentations to internal critics (digital) 
To be presented in groups of for or five. Typological studies comprising 1:100 or 1:50 models, diagrammatic plans, sections and axonometric. In addition, observations of site conditions, consisting of diagrams, photographs and a 1:500 model will be presented.

Short Project (3-7 March):
A one-week project will be run immediately following Interim Crit 1.

Interim Crit 2 (3 and 4 April): Individual presentations to internal critics (digital)
The spatial concept and its development into a 1:200 site massing model will be presented. This will consist of a sequence of development models, diagrams and a strategic site plan

Final Crit (8 and 9 May): Individual presentation to guest critics
Key typological study, site observations and spatial concept development comprising: 1:500 location plan; 1:200 model; 1:200 plans, sections, elevations (showing context); 1:100 or 1:50 plan and section of one unit and or a communal area and a key perspective showing formal and material relationship between Mass and Void

Rolling Crit (16 May): Review of student presentations.
The Diploma Piece, which is a single piece of work intended to encapsulate the project, should, be submitted at the Rolling Crit.

Assessment (TBA)